Proof that blogging is pointless.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Sketchy Situation

After seeing some amazing pencil drawings by an artist online, I vowed to improve my drawing technique (this is in addition to the other hundred things i resolved to improve this year). So I started this drawing of a sister wife, and then attended a drawing workshop at SMOCA in conjunction with a Chuck Close exhibit. I tried white pencil on black paper for the first time, and copied a Chuck Close portrait (in my defense, the subject in the original has a strangely shaped mouth and nose, so while I'm willing to take responsibility for poor technique or a lack of control, in this instance, it is actually accurate). Of course, the toughest part was getting out of the chair that they provide (a nylon and metal pole contraption that seemed unlikely to support me).

1 comment:

  1. These drawings you did are truly amazing. I only got a glimpse of the one you did at the Chuck Close exhibit the other day, but you were able to get a lot of detail in such a short time.
